Kagurabachi Chapter 5: Secrets Revealed, Alliances Forged?

Hinao lends Char her spare jacket. It’s still unclear why Char is being pursued by sorcerers. Char is hungry so Chihiro goes to get her something to eat. Char stows away in the back of his car. He calls Hinao asking why she wasn’t keeping a good eye on Char but Hinao counters that Char is safer with him anyway. Chihiro asks Char why she’s being pursued by sorcerers and what their intentions are. Char obviously knows but refuses to tell out of fear of something.

Elsewhere, Shiba has taken on the task of torturing Norisaku Madoka for information. Norisaku is tied up, with a talisman preventing him from using sorcery. Shiba asks him about the location of the enchanted blades. Norisaku isn’t forthcoming forcing Shiba to engage in violence. Shiba steps on Norisaku’s left foot with such force that the ground cracks. Norisaku warns Shiba that if he reveals any information the both of them will suffer consequences.

Chihiro and Char head to Babylonia to purchase a sandwich for Char, then to Tanda’s for ice cream, and Bloom for a float.

Chihiro faces his biggest challenge

Somewhere in the city, a man is hanging from the ceiling begging to be killed as a heavily tattooed man in a bath tub comments on the lost Daruma suffered. He wonders why Chihiro would have an enchanted blade in the first place. He says they need to “go big or go home,” and they needed to “open the child’s cage.” The tattooed man is Genichi Sojo, a weapons dealer who’s in possession of the Cloud Gouger enchanted sword. Ask Shiba is informing Chihiro of this information, Genichi creates a vortex which turns into a cluster of humans together.

So far this series hasn’t had an action with a great deal of depth. It’s understandable as the first volume of a series needs to do a lot more than have cool fight scenes. However, I think Kagurabachi has managed to balance introducing us to a the story, main characters, their motivations, and the power system. As a Shonen series, the action in always going to be central and how deep, fun, and balanced (between the fighters) the fights are will be important. I’m hopeful that this first big fight is amazing.

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