SSSS.Gridman Episode 12 Review – Awakening

Akane’s transformation

As Akane transforms into a kaiju, Gridman and Anti finish of the other ones. They return to the “human” forms and plan to defeat Alexis. Anti engages Akane in battle. Alexis informs Rikka that she just a “creation that thinks they’re human.” That she only believes that shes Akane’s friend. He welcomes Rikka to try to change Akane, as Yuta arrives to get her. Meanwhile, Anti has been fighting Akane this whole time and he finally exposes her “face,” which he then transforms back into his human form and breaks through it. Yuta and Rikka arrive at the hospital to get Utsumi, he’s skeptical that he can help but is convince that he can help.

Alexis attacking Anti

Anti reaches Akane and pulls her out of some liquid. She calls him a “failed creation,” then Alexis stabs him in the back. He absorbs Akane becoming a kaiju himself. At the shop all the members of the NGJHS, Yuta/Gridman and Anti gain “accepter’s,” Rikka and Utsumi enter the battle code Gridman. This results in the “True” form of Gridman. Alexis and Gridman have an epic battle. Alexis appears to be immortal, unharmed by the attacks from Gridman. He is able to feed of Akane’s negative feeling, giving him this power. Alexis explains that Akane needed to use kaiju to control the lives of her creations. However, he finds that she’s no longer useful.

Alexis in his kaiju form

Gridman uses Fixer Beam to reset the city and contact Akane. Rikka and Utsumi convince her to “free” herself from Alexis. Gridman defeats Alexis and seals him. Akane and Rikka have a tearful goodbye. To be honest the redemptive arc for Akane filed for me. I didn’t once feel sorry for her and didn’t care what happened to her. Gridman, the NGJHS return to Hyper World with Alexis. The city returns to normal and the actual Yuta wakes up in the company of Rikka and Utsumi. Anti is rescued by the kaiju girl, while Akane wakes up in the real world LITERALLY. That live action ending was surprising and kinda genius. I can’t effectively articulate the meta commentary that the ending presents but I liked it.

Yuta and NGJHS preparing to fight

However, the series wasn’t perfect. The Yuta is Gridman switch was confusing. Also, Yuta was a very flat character that I wasn’t really connected to. We don’t actually learn much about him leaving his characterization thin. I have note previously that I’m loved this series more than Darling in the Franxx and I think that this series was even more effective with it’s Evangelion homage. Overall, this series exceeded my expectations. It’s unlikely that another season will get made but hopefully Trigger will take inspiration for this series and use it for later ones.

Akane waking up in the real world

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