Burn the Witch Chapter 4: Recap and Review

Color cover of chapter 4 of Burn thw Witch
Color cover of chapter 4 of Burn thw Witch

Chapter 4 – If a lion could speak, We couldn’t understand

Chapter 4 of Burn the Witch opens with Balgo Parks whos still oblivious to his fate, finally being told that he’s a wanted man by Bruno. Ninny and Noel plan to shoot a spark off then escape with Macy and Balgo. Suddenly, Elly ambushes Bruno from the sky. He prepares to attack her but she disappears using Stealth Scale. The technique is rare for a dragon, allowing Elly to turn invisible to avoid attacks. Elly attacks Rickenbacker’s wing, slashing through it. She then takes to the air transforming into a larger dragon, Cinderella. She resembles a bird with dragon wings. Noel, Ninny, and Bruno are shocked that Elly turned out to be a Märchen. 

Märchen are ancient dragons that existed before Reverse London. They’re “progenitors” of the Dark Dragons and are authorized for elimination. There’s seven in all, named after fairy tails, Snow White, Red Dress, Golden Axe, Bubbles, Sugar House, Band of Animals, and Cinderella. Each one has six talons on each hand, the ability to use Stealth Scale, and Star Ash dust that explodes. Noel claims that they only mature “nocturnally.” With a new threat, Bruno decides to focus on eliminating the dragon. Bruno uses paint canisters to draw a symbol on Rickenbacker’s wing. He utters the phrase, “release code 0575 unlock” which summons a Hunger Shadow. Suddenly, a dark beast emerges and jumps on Cinderella’s face. 

Battle with Cinderella

It attempts to bite her, but Cinderella blows it away with an energy blast. Ninny and Noel arrive to provide backup. Cinderella has one weakness, the Crown-Shaped Horn on her head. The three of them separate and surround Cinderella. Ninny and Noel cast Magic #68: Supernal Jail, trapping Cinderella within several beams of light. Bruno uses another symbol to summon Greedy Curtain, surrounding Cinderella in sludge. She responds by blowing up the sludge and the top of the roof. Noel, Ninny, and Bruno are injured as Cinderella takes flight heading towards them. Noel and Ninny erect a barrier, as Ninny wonders why she’s attacking them and not Bruno. 

Shockingly, Cinderella stops moving and is shot through the Crown Artery by Billy Banx Jr. Despite that harrowing fight, Ninny and Noel aren’t paid very much. Billy claims that this is due to them begin charged for the damage. Bruno was given credit for killing Cinderella, enraging Ninny further. Macy becomes a dragonclad. Meanwhile, Wolfgang Slashhuat is given an application for releasing Balgo from the status of Punitive Dragon. Wolfgang notes that during the investigation of Balgo revealed that he came into contact with Macy months ago and this may have been the “trigger” that resulted in Cinderella’s appearance. They decide to use him to attract Märchen. Elsewhere, Sullivan Squire investigates the location where Billy shot Cinderella. She says that she’s “relieved” that she didn’t underestimate the “son of a hero.” 

Burn the Witch Chapter 3: Recap and Review

5 thoughts on “Burn the Witch Chapter 4: Recap and Review

  1. Love this! (tried to comment earlier but it wouldn’t load).
    Illypo’s nine tail form reminds me of Naruto for some reason lol but this show is getting exciting, I can’t believe season 1 is wrapping up soon 🙁

    1. weird sorry my wordpress glitched out on me! I read a different article you wrote and my comment disappeared and I thought I clicked on the right one…regardless! This sounds interesting, I’m excited for burn the witch to air!

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