The Promised Neverland Episode 8 Review – 021145

The mysterious Grandma

Krone sad end

The stakes are raised in this episode. Krone who made it clear from her first day, that her goal was to dethrone Isabella. Making her intentions know was always going to lead to her death I guess. When she is finally given the opportunity to expose Isabella to Grandma at the gate, it’s all for nothing. However, she’s left something for the children to discover. While I think Krone’s death was drawn out too much, it was rather sad to see. She remembers her life growing up as an orphan and learning to become a Mom. Her death is contrasted with the children eating, which was well done.

Dead Krone

Isabella’s dominance

Isabella has shown herself to be more monstrous than previously thought. That’s the larger theme of this episode, Isabella is in control. Isabella had been moved to the back burner as the children plotted and dealt with Krone. Little did they know that Isabella was planning to take over control. She manages to abruptly end the plans. While, Emma and Norman begin the to implement their plan, Ray is informed that his services is no longer needed. She tells him that she “disposed” of Krone, and for a second I though Ray would die when he started coughing. She locks him in Krone’s old room.

Emma’s broken leg

The broken children

Ray is devastated from these event. He and Don head to save Emma and Norman. However, their too late as Isabella catches up to them. She tells them to ” stop resisting, that they have lived happy and carefree lives and will die quickly.” They refuse to accept this end and Emma grabs Isabella so Norman can scale the wall. Isabella breaks Emma’s leg causing her to scream in pain. She says that they are the “highest quality meat fit for the One,” and that Norman will be shipped out tomorrow. Isabella crushes the dreams of the children. Until this point we were lead to believe that Krone and the children were making some progress. It turns out that Isabella had everything under control from the start. Will the children have the will to start over? What did Krone leave for them? It seem like the only options for the children is to become dinner or a broken adult. It might be better if the just died.

Norman’s face when being told his harvest day has arrived

The Promised Neverland, Vol. 2

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